Monday, October 25, 2010

Hansel and Gretel

Another post at the Wooden Box: Hansel and Gretel, You´re So Ungrateful! . Let the witch have a say...


keiko amano said...


I wrote a long comment yesterday, but disappeared. But I wanted to mention it again about my out my first play in the third grade. You probably read it before. I did all the works, writing dialogues, directing a bit which is to tell people what to do, and so forth. But other group won. If you want to read about it, I'll write it again.

Anyway, I played the witch, otherwise, I wouldn't have a play. I like your perspective, but I think you can make your poem into a play, and if I were you, I would make it bloody with revenge!

Luciana said...

It came out as poem, Keiko. I´ve been studying the mothers in fairy tales, and I really wanted to write about that suffocating mother/witch who sees nothing wrong in bribing her children in exchange of them being with her forever ( that´s what I see between the lines of that story). The way I found for that not to be too heartbreaking was humor, and that came as writing it from the witch´s point of view.
I don´t think I´d achieve that in a play. There are certain feelings that have to be condensed in a few words in order to remain powerful.

keiko amano said...


I'm not experienced enough in writing poems or plays. But, what I feel most powerful is people's spontaneous speeches coming out of certain peculiar situations. I capture it. It surprises me, so it delights me. I save it for later. I think I can use it in short stories, novel, essays, poems, plays, or screen plays.

In my poem or story, one good dialogue can make entire story. I'm all ears.