Friday, November 13, 2009


I was 13 when I first heard about this Irish band, U2. Thought that name was really strange, but hey, band´s names are always unusual. Have been listening to them ever since. Every time they come up with a new album I think it can´t get any better than the previous one. And they always are.


Dorraine said...

Love U2 also! I'm not sure how they keep getting better but they do.:)

Luciana said...

Like wine...;-)
I can´t live without music, and U2 is one of the bands I grew up with. I have sentimental memories attached to many songs.

Rebb said...

Thanks for sharing this, Lu. I haven't been keeping up with U2, but I love them also and have found memories attached to them from my youth. What a treat!


Nice to see you, Dorraine!

keiko amano said...

Lu, It's a great music and video. I love sheets flying in the way they did. Does U2 mean "You, too" you think?

Luciana said...

Hi Rebb and Keiko, I loved that image, with the white giant sheets, as well. The whole song gives an idea of elevation, in the melody, in the lyrics and in the images. I think that is one of U2´s trademarks.
Rebb, I loved your pictures with Kyo!

Bianca Rossato said...'s another fan!! Loved the video and the song...and Bono's's still so beautiful after all these years...
U2 was the first rock band I listened's like a boundary between childhood and teenagehood =)

Luciana said...

And adulthood, for sure, for we are made of memories, as well. Um beijo, Bi!